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Raintree Community Church

May 30, 2021

 Text: Mark 4:26-34


The Seemingly Insignificant Planting of the Word (4:26-29)

  • Jesus demonstrates how the kingdom of God grows in slow, incremental stages.
  • Jesus displays how the kingdom of God is empowered by the Word of God as it is sown into our hearts.


The Incomprehensible Growth of the Word (4:30-34)

  • Jesus...

May 24, 2021

Text: Mark 4:21-25


The Gospel Light That is Revealed in Jesus (4:21-22)

  • Jesus is the Lamp of God who has come to bring light and revelation of God’s Kingdom.
  • We must be about shining the light of the Gospel to those around us.


The Weighty Response That Must Be Given to Jesus (4:23-25)

  • The Present Reality: We...

May 16, 2021

Text: Mark 4:1-20 (Part 2)

  1. The Teaching of Parables and the Kingdom of God (1:15; 4:1-2)
  • The kingdom of God has been prophesied and is now being fulfilled in Jesus (Mark 1:15).
  • Jesus begins to teach through parables in order to describe the kingdom of God to His disciples.


  1. The Terrain of Two Different...

May 2, 2021

Text:  Mark 3:20-35


The Warfare of Two Kingdom Agendas (3:20-21, 31-35)

  • The skewed perspective of Jesus’ family: The ministry of Jesus is akin to madness.
  • The shocking response of Jesus to His family: The ministry of Jesus is about drawing people into His family by doing the will of God.


The Warfare of Two...